The above preview plot is restricted to 6 months of data from the selected start date and 5 individual series. This limitation does not apply to downloaded data.
Due to download-time limitations, a maximum of 1 year of data can be downloaded at a time.
For previewing the data, select variables from the accordion from Water Flow and Properties; Soil Moisture and Precipitation; and
MET Station categories only. Note that data from Livestock, Field Event and Field Survey categories cannot be previewed this way.
Variables can be mixed from the different categories above.
For all data categories except MET Station, at least one variable and one catchment (from the map) must be selected in order to preview
and/or download the data. For the MET Station data, it is not necessary to select a catchment from the map as it is not catchment-specific.
Some downloads may take a number of minutes to retrieve the requested data. Downloads will be slow if requesting a large amount of time-series
data and/or several different types of data, particularly livestock data. With livestock data, the querying of data for given selection criteria
can be complex, so that even if only a small amount of data, or none at all, is returned, it may take some time for the preparation of the download
to complete.
Please be aware that when opening exported data in a spreadsheet, the spreadsheet might interpret certain columns incorrectly. E.g. in the Field Events
data-file, some fertiliser application names contain dashes (e.g. 21-8-11), which can be misinterpreted as dates by certain spreadsheet software.
Some browsers may not fully support the functionality in this page. The tested browsers are: Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11, Google Chrome 41,
Mozilla Firefox 36, and Safari 5.1.7. If you are using one of these versions or a later version and this page does not function correctly please contact us: